Grid Tech 150

A Thriving Vendor Market

At Indigo, we are tracking 1000’s of vendors across our defined submarkets. The vendor landscape has evolved considerably over the past decade. While investments in communication technology companies and advanced metering firms once saw the lion’s share of capital attraction, we are now seeing a shift in financing to frontier areas such as robotics, AI, and distributed generation managemnt platforms. This is largely in sync with the initial vision for smart grid technologies, were investment in foundational infrastructure, enabling situational awareness where possible was once the order of the day. The steep rise on software firms across the industry is a testament to an initial wave of successful deployments in the US and globally. These vendor teams have also matured, with the minimum requirements for digital partners in this space being understanding a utility technology stack and engaging the sectors functional teams of engineers, operators and customer facing staff. Below are the Top 150 firms across all submarkets.

In terms of geographic spread, while we are seeing a host of successful companies operate out of North America and Europe, in reality the Grid Tech market is a global one as utilities also tend to rely on local partners for electrical needs.

We highlight a cross section of high value deployments by the Grid Tech 150 here. To learn more about Grid Tech Vendors and the Top 150, please download our complementary report or reach out to learn about our member research services.


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